Rochester Lilac Festival


The Rochester Lilac Festival has officially begun.  The local horticulturalists have anticipated that this spring would bring some of the best lilac blooms in years.  They were right.  For the past couple of years, I haven't seen the park look as beautiful as it did today.  Even though the original weather forecast for this afternoon was cloudy/rain -- the sun came out and it was the perfect day to spend at Highland Park. 

(Click to enlarge)

The festival opens from 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily until May 19th.  There are lots of vendors selling everything from arts and crafts, food and games for kids on the opposite side of the lilacs.  It's a little too crowded for us (especially with our large double stroller) so we enjoy having a picnic outside among the flowers. 


With nearly all 500 varieties of lilacs in bloom, I could have spent the entire morning and afternoon wandering around looking at all the blossoms.  Seeing this makes me wish my mom were still here in New York to enjoy this because purple is her favorite color.  I know she'd love seeing all the lilacs.  

I hope you enjoy this Mother's Day weekend :)


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