Spring Picnics
My little man is finally here. I labored at home and when I felt the contractions peak then I knew it was time to go to the hospital. However, by the time I arrived at the hospital, my son was already starting to crown! As I was being wheeled to the delivery room, I started to push. My son was born within 25 minutes of our arrival. I prayed to God for a quick labor and delivery. Boy did He answer that one!
I have forgotten how long it takes to heal from delivering a baby. Just after I am healed, the spring blossoms at Highland Park will be blooming. I love seeing all the cherry blossoms, tulips, daffodils, magnolias and lilacs. As soon as the weather cooperates (we have lots of snow in winter and lots rain in spring), we'll have our picnic at Highland Park and spend lots of time there every weekend.
Here are some of my favorite Spring picnics:
Here are some of my favorite Spring picnics:

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